The Marion Open Committee is super excited to announce we are bringing the chance to win free tuition back to this year’s Golf Tournament to help raise money for St. Mary’s.
That’s right.
As of June 3rd, you can buy a raffle ticket for your chance to win FREE tuition for the 2021-2022 school year for ONE student.
But only while tickets last! (Great odds with only 100 tickets being sold!)
Here are the details:
Official Rules: $100 per ticket
First Place: Tuition voucher is good for one student for the 2021-2022 school year. Tuition voucher may be transferred from winner to another SMS student billing account if winner does not have a child at SMS.
Second Place: $500 Cash
Third and Fourth Place: $100 Cash
- There are no limitations or exclusions on who is eligible to purchase tickets.
- Voucher must be applied to a student’s tuition billing account.
- Tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis. Limited to 100 tickets sold.
- Voucher not redeemable for cash.
- One winner will be drawn at the Marion Open Golf Tournament held on July 10, 2021.
To claim your ticket right now please call or text Laura Posl at 320-262-4893. But hurry as tickets are going fast for this amazing opportunity (please make checks payable to St. Mary’s).
Thank you for your support,
Marion Open Committee
Brad & Liz Braulick
Dan & Chelsey Elfering
Tom & Alicia Osthus
Pat & Laura Posl
Sandy Zuhlsdorf
Greg and Rachel Haubrich